Salisbury Stanford Singing Weekend

9.30-1.00 Singing Workhop with Professor Jeremy Dibble, Emeritus Professor of Music, Durham, singing Stanford Mass in C op. 115, Rathbone Motet Rejoice in the Lord Alway, plus Psalms and Responses, coffee and light lunch.
2.00-4.30 Tractarianism, the Oxford Movement and the Victorian Hymn: musically Illustrated talk on the Great Victorian Hymn Writers by Professor Jeremy Dibble, writer on Stanford, Parry, Stainer, Delius and others. Followed by tea and cake.
4.30-6.00 Piano Recital.  Allan Schiller, stellar international pianist plays Mozart, Haydn, Bach, Scarlatti and more.
The day will be (optionally) completed by a black tie, champagne reception and 3 course dinner and coffee with after dinner speech by Allan Schiller telling stories from his long musical career.  This will take place in the White Hart Hotel from 7.30 – 10.00 pm.
See also the details for Sunday 15th September.

14 September 2024 - 9:30 am - 6:00 pm

St Martin's Church

Ticket Prices:
Tickets for the Saturday programme including Black Tie Dinner £149; or a Saturday day ticket for 9.30 am - 6 pm, excluding dinner £85; dinner only £65

Tickets available from:


Event Contact
Naomi King
07862 277071


St. Martin’s proclaims catholic faith and order within the Church of England. It is the oldest parish in the city of New Sarum, Salisbury. In fact our foundation pre-dates the establishment of the city by at least 200 years.